Thursday, October 1, 2009

Book Review, Peaks and Valleys

Dr. Spencer Johnson’s Peaks and Valleys is a book that gives one insight into his or her self. This book focus on ways to help people overcome the “Valleys” (trouble) in their lives and ways to increase the “Peaks” (happiness) in their lives. These situations can occur in your personal life and your work life. This book also helps people to understand themselves better, because you must understand yourself to be able to understand the effect these “Peaks and Valleys” have on your life.

I truly can understand and really appreciate some of the insightful information that the book gave in dealing with the trouble or hard-times in your life, whether that be your personal life or professional life. I could have used this insightful information and knowledge last semester when I was having a hard time dealing with a decision that affected my graduation last semester. I had anticipated graduating last semester and, because of a teacher's decision regarding a class that I needed, I was not able to. I really let this situation bother me all semester long, but when I finished reading this book, I looked back and asked myself, “What good could have possibly come out of that bad situation?” I realize that this gave me more time to concentration on other aspects of my, like becoming pregnant and having my first child. It also gave me time to concentrate on the changes that were occurring at work.

This book can really help people if they are willing to think and, as the book says, truly look at oneself and be honest.

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