Thursday, October 22, 2009

Movie Review--Shawshank Redemption


The character which I considered the leader or lead in this movie was Mr. Andy Dufresne, portrayed by Mr. Tim Robbins. The other characters - Red (Morgan Freeman), Warden Norton (Bob Gunton), Heywood (Bill Sadler), Captain Hadley (Clancy Brown), and - others are considered followers.

I believe the leadership situation in this movie was successfully and effectively portrayed. Mr. Andy Dufresne actually captured my attention in the movie with his ability to demonstrate leadership with the other characters. With his communication and leadership skills, Andy was able to gain the friendship and protection, although not at first, of the other key characters in the movies. He was befriended by Red and other inmates, protected by the guards, and from the warden. One would almost say that he was able to manipulate some of the characters in the movie. Mr. Dufresne used his abilities and skills from the outside world to his advantage inside of the prison. Andy used to improve the library, to escape, and, most importantly, to survive. With his leadership role at his job in the outside world, it was understandable that he would use this characteristic inside of the prison.

Another thing that impressed me in the movie was Mr. Dufresne's leadership ability to inspire and give hope to the other inmates that came in contact with him. This was truly evident in his ability to get inmates to read and work toward their GEDs while in prison. This was especially true with Tommy Williams (Gil Bellows), a young inmate who did not believe he had the ability to obtain his GED.

This was truly a wonderful movie to watch, and I would recommend its viewing to each and every one of my classmates.

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