Sunday, November 15, 2009

Course Reflection Blog

Managerial Communication is a course that has helped me improve my communication skills, whether it is at work or personal interactions with my friends.

Communication is a very important tool to have, especially at work. Businesses want someone that is able to communicate with co-workers, customers, and vendors. It is important to be able to communicate the correct information to the above mentioned people.

This course has also taught me not to be so relaxed when I write or communicate anything when it comes to business. I would be the first person to admit that I do. I tend to think that I write the way I speak, but often, this is not the case. Even when I proof my material, I read it the way I thought I wrote it and not the way it is actually written.

I liked it when the professor added this last assignment. This was an eye-opener. I really did not know that I had that many mistakes in my blogs. I am learning that it is good practice to let another person read your work. Another person person could possibly catch what I missed.

Overall, I loved this course. It would be a good course to take even if it is not required within your major's program.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

External Links

The following are some helpful links that I used to assist me while completing my assignments for this course:








Present - PowerPoint Project

I really had fun completing my PowerPoint project. I learned new ways of presenting a PowerPoint presentation. I also learned some new ways of using PowerPoint, not just for work, but also for presenting personal information. The instructions in the book made the presentation easy to follow and complete.

When presented with this project, I thought this was too much information to be done in the amount required to finish it, but I was wrong. Once I got started on the project, I was so proud of the turn out that I was ready for the next phrase of the project.

This presentation and book contact information that I can use throughout the rest of my educational courses and at work.

I hope everyone had as much fun as I did completing this project.