Sunday, November 15, 2009

Course Reflection Blog

Managerial Communication is a course that has helped me improve my communication skills, whether it is at work or personal interactions with my friends.

Communication is a very important tool to have, especially at work. Businesses want someone that is able to communicate with co-workers, customers, and vendors. It is important to be able to communicate the correct information to the above mentioned people.

This course has also taught me not to be so relaxed when I write or communicate anything when it comes to business. I would be the first person to admit that I do. I tend to think that I write the way I speak, but often, this is not the case. Even when I proof my material, I read it the way I thought I wrote it and not the way it is actually written.

I liked it when the professor added this last assignment. This was an eye-opener. I really did not know that I had that many mistakes in my blogs. I am learning that it is good practice to let another person read your work. Another person person could possibly catch what I missed.

Overall, I loved this course. It would be a good course to take even if it is not required within your major's program.

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